Friday, March 14, 2008


A surprisingly easy and tasty dish, Colcannon is quite unknown. Try it in place of your regular mashed potatoes next time. My nephew, a notoriously picky eater, loved these.

Another recipe from The Little Big Book of Ireland.


Fab Food Friday 085

1 (nice sized) head of cabbage
5-6 peeled potatoes
1 bunch scallions
Lots of butter (at least a stick)
Salt & pepper

Wash and cut the cabbage and potatoes into chunks. Wash & chop the scallions.

Put all into a large pot, add about an inch of water (over) and boil.

When potatoes are fork tender (check at 20 minutes and then again every 5 until done) remove from heat & mash. Add butter, salt & pepper to taste.

Makes 4-6 servings


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